Choosing Blogger Monetization Options

{ Posted on 00:07 by happy }
After you decide to include advertising on your blog, you need to begin
reviewing advertising and moneymaking options to find the ones you want to
try. Most bloggers begin with monetization programs that are
✓ Easy to add to their blogs
✓ Open to all bloggers regardless of traffic
As a Blogger user, you can sign up for a wide variety of blog monetization
programs. This chapter highlights some of the most popular programs that
bloggers typically try first.
Your blog monetization efforts don’t have to stop with the programs discussed
in this chapter. You can find out more about blog monetization from
a variety of Web sites and blogs, including the Guide to Web
Logs ( Additionally, you can read Blogging
For Dummies, by Susannah Gardner and Shane Birley (Wiley), which includes
information about several blog monetization programs.
Chapter 10: The Business of Blogging 185
Not all blog monetization options are equal. Take the time to research a new
opportunity before you apply or implement it on your blog. The rules and
requirements for different blog monetization options change frequently,
and a program that might not work on your blog today may work perfectly
tomorrow. For example, some moneymaking programs aren’t compatible
with Blogger blogs now, but they might be compatible later. Always check
the restrictions and ensure that your blog qualifies to participate in a blog
monetization program before you spend time applying.