Impression-based ads

{ Posted on 00:31 by happy }
Impression-based ads pay you as the publisher based on the number of times
an ad is shown on your blog. With each page view where the ad is placed, that ad is delivered to a visitor, which counts as an impression. Cost-perimpression ads typically pay bloggers a small fee, such as ten cents per 1,000 impressions, so you’re not likely to make a lot of money from these ads unless your site generates a lot of traffic each day. However, the ads are easy to set up and work particularly well below the fold (the area of the page that isn’t visible unless you scroll down the page).

ValueClick is an easy-to-use, impression-based advertising program that offers banner ads, pop-unders, videos, and rich-media ads, you can set the minimum cost per impression (CPM) that you’re willing to accept on your blog. The minimum traffic level to become a ValueClick publisher is 3,000 impressions per month, and you can pick and choose which types of ads you want to run on your site. Take the time to read the complete ValueClick terms of service before you apply. The site has a wide variety of restrictions related to the types of blogs (for example, you must host your blog on your own domain, and blog content (no non-English pages or excessive advertising) that are accepted into the ValueClick ad program.
To sign up to become part of the ValueClick ad network, follow these steps:
1. Visit and click the Join button in the Publishers section of the Web site. This step opens the online application.
2. Complete and submit the online application.
You receive, within 24 to 48 hours, an e-mail notifying you whether your application was accepted with additional instructions to set up your new account.

The popular impression-based advertising network TribalFusion operates globally. The site offers a variety of ad formats to publishers that receive a minimum of 2,000 unique users per day. Additionally, the blog must be active and updated frequently and must have a professional design. Tribal Fusion pays publishers 50 percent of all revenue made from their blogs. The payout threshold is $50 with payment made by check.You can control the types of ads delivered on your blog by Tribal Fusion by blocking ad categories or specific advertisers. The site includes Flash ads and pop-up ads, which might be viewed as intrusive to your visitors. Be sure
to monitor your Tribal Fusion revenue as well as any traffic changes to ensure that your efforts help you meet your overall goals for your blog. To apply to become a Tribal Fusion ad publisher, simply complete the online application on the Tribal Fusion Web site, as shown in Figure 10-6. A representative from Tribal Fusion reviews your blog and responds to your application
within one business week. If your application is accepted, instructions to establish your account are provided so that you can begin publishing ads on your blog.


{ Posted on 00:22 by happy }
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The popular text link ad broker TextLinkBrokers accepts applications from blogs with a Google page rank of 1 or higher. This site sets the ad rate for text link ads that appear on your blog based on your Google page rank and an evaluation of your blog. The ad publisher can approve or deny ads, and the payout threshold is $100. Overall, the process works similarly to Text-Link-Ads (see the earlier section “Text-Link-Ads”).

To become a TextLinkBrokers publisher, visit and complete the Publisher sign-up form.
TextLinkBrokers reviews your application and e-mails you with an acceptance or rejection. It also notifies you of the amount you’ll be paid for links if your application is accepted and sends you a list of questions to answer in order to add your site to the TextLinkBrokers inventory.
When your site is added to the TextLinkBrokers inventory, an e-mail is sent to you with the information you need to create an account in the Partner’s Console section of the TextLinkBrokers Web site.

After your partner’s console account is created, you receive a link to activate the account. When an advertiser selects your blog to place a text link ad, you receive an e-mail directing you to log in to your account to view details of the request. The publisher’s terms of service with TextLinkBrokers says that you agree to place ad requests (or deny them) on your blog within two business days.


{ Posted on 00:15 by happy }
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Text link ads appear as simple text links on your blog based on the content of your pages. In short, when you join a text link advertising network, you submit specific pages of your blog into the network’s inventory. Advertisers look for inventory pages that are likely to attract visitors who will be interested in their products and then purchase text link ad space on those pages. When space is purchased on your blog, a text link ad from that advertiser automatically appears in that space. Text link ad rates, which are typically set by the advertising network, are usually based on a blog’s Google page rank and Alexa rank. Although these two metrics aren’t perfect, they comprise the standard that most text link brokers use to determine the amount of traffic to your blog and attach an advertising rate to it. Be sure, therefore, to submit your most popular blog pages to be included in a broker’s inventory.

The popular text link broker Text-Link-Ads helps bloggers get paid for publishing text link ads,.Ad publishers receive 50 percent of the sale price for each text link sold on your blog, and Text-Link-Ads integrate
seamlessly with other advertising programs, such as Google AdSense. As a Text-Link-Ad publisher, you can approve or deny all ads that are purchased to display on your blog. The payout threshold is low, at just $25, and payment is sent by way of check or PayPal on the first day of every month. Even though the payout threshold is low, which makes Text-Link-Ads attractive to bloggers with lower traffic levels, smaller bloggers find it difficult to get accepted as a Text-Link-Ads publisher. Blogs with a Google page rank of 4 or higher are automatically accepted; blogs with a rank lower than 4 are manually reviewed and typically aren’t accepted. The price of ads shown on your blog is set by Text-Link-Ads using a proprietary algorithm that first considers your blog’s traffic and page rank statistics.

To become a Text-Link-Ads publisher, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit and complete the online publisher application.
When your application is approved, you receive an e-mail providing you with your account information.
2. Sign in to your Text-Link-Ads account and follow the instructions to install the ad code on your blog in the Get Ad Code section of your account. You can find here the ad code to copy and paste into your blog, and instructions for doing so. After the code is pasted into your blog, ads
begin appearing on your blog as they’re purchased.


{ Posted on 00:09 by happy }
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Kontera is another popular contextual link advertising program. When you signup to serve Kontera ads on your blog, its ContentLink function automatically links contextually relevant keywords in your blog posts to ads. Those keywords
appear with a double underline within your existing blog post. When a visitor hovers the mouse cursor over the Kontera linked text, a small bubble box appears and displays an advertisement served by one of Kontera’s advertisers. When a visitor to your blog clicks that advertisement, the advertiser’s Web site opens in the browser. Kontera works harmoniously with Google AdSense and is open to bloggerswhose blogs meet the current requirements outlined on the Kontera Web site.

One of the best features about Kontera is its virtual lack of a footprint on your blog. Rather than use space in your sidebar or header or between your blog posts, Kontera in-text ads appear within your blog posts and link relevant ads to the words that are already used in your posts. It’s a simple way to add a moneymaking option with some upfront effort but little ongoing work to keep it going. You can customize the look of your ContentLink ads, create filtering instructions to define the number of ads and advertisers allowed and customize other factors, too. Of course, for optimum results, you should monitor keyword performance and write your blog posts with high-performing keywords in mind.
The key to a successful blog is quality content. Don’t write with keywords as your priority. If you write for ads, your visitors will know it. Ads should enhance people’s visits on your blog, not overpower them or detract from them. To add Kontera contextual link ads to your blog, follow these steps:
1. Visit and sign up for an account.
Complete the online application to request a Kontera publisher account.
2. After your application is accepted, simply sign in to your account and
click the ContentLink Setup tab that allows you to add Kontera in-text
ads to your Blogger blog,

After you add Kontera in-text ads to your blog, analyze the ads that are served based on your content to ensure that they’re relevant and helpful to your visitors. Also, review your Kontera-provided reports to ensure that the ads are driving revenue. Some people find Kontera ads to be obtrusive. You must analyze your results and your blog traffic statistics to ensure that the amount of money you make from Kontera ads is positive in relation to the effect of those ads on your blog’s traffic.

Choosing Blogger Monetization Options

{ Posted on 00:07 by happy }
After you decide to include advertising on your blog, you need to begin
reviewing advertising and moneymaking options to find the ones you want to
try. Most bloggers begin with monetization programs that are
✓ Easy to add to their blogs
✓ Open to all bloggers regardless of traffic
As a Blogger user, you can sign up for a wide variety of blog monetization
programs. This chapter highlights some of the most popular programs that
bloggers typically try first.
Your blog monetization efforts don’t have to stop with the programs discussed
in this chapter. You can find out more about blog monetization from
a variety of Web sites and blogs, including the Guide to Web
Logs ( Additionally, you can read Blogging
For Dummies, by Susannah Gardner and Shane Birley (Wiley), which includes
information about several blog monetization programs.
Chapter 10: The Business of Blogging 185
Not all blog monetization options are equal. Take the time to research a new
opportunity before you apply or implement it on your blog. The rules and
requirements for different blog monetization options change frequently,
and a program that might not work on your blog today may work perfectly
tomorrow. For example, some moneymaking programs aren’t compatible
with Blogger blogs now, but they might be compatible later. Always check
the restrictions and ensure that your blog qualifies to participate in a blog
monetization program before you spend time applying.